Set of Three Christmas Decorations


¥ 112,200


Item No. FAO2610_F6AS_NR
カスタマー評価は5段階の 5

色 : Nougat/Light Cedar/White (F6AS)


The cheerful days leading up to Christmas are the perfect time for decorating the house to make it more welcoming for friends, family and yourself. Inspired by traditional weaving tools, these decorations provide a vintage allure to the home. Meticulously crafted from cashmere, they are perfect for trimming the Christmas tree. Combine them with other ornaments to create a charming, warm ambiance.

続きを読む 表示を減らす
Composition: 100% Cashmere
Appliqués: 100% Wood
Specific Features: 100% Lambskin
Made in Italy
Product code: FAO2610
This product should be handled with care. Protect your cherished Christmas ornaments out of reach from tiny hands (kids).
If it gets dirty or wet, we gently recommend to wipe the affected area with a soft, light-coloured cotton cloth. Do not wash, use soap or solvents.
Store carefully in their original packaging in a dry place away from heat and light sources to ensure the good conditions of the product.




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